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Release Notes

Dynaconf 3.1.1

This release is more about bug fixes and improvements, we included a full diagram of the library to help contributors.


Dynaconf doesn't have dependencies because the main libraries used have been vendored. In addition to the vendoring process (which followed the guidelines regarding licensing and structure), all the vendored libraries have been minified to save space on the distribution.

Ideally the vendored libraries will be upgraded on-demand only when a new security or important bug fix is released on the respective vendored repository.

Python-box is an exception since the goal is to remove the dependency and implement its basic features within dynaconf/DynaBox type.


We made flake8 more strict and removed some unused imports and variables.

Variable interpolation

The mechanism to evaluate Lazy values has been refactored and now @format and @jinja values can be used within dictionaries and lists in any nesting levels.


Fixed a problem when multiple combined validators are registered and fixed duplication of ValidationError messages.

All names in a must_exist clause are now tested, instead of stopping validation on the first failure.


  • Cli now accepts dotted keys ex: dynaconf -i config.settings list -k
  • boto is now optional for vault authentication
  • a .formatter attribute lookup was conflicting with Django logging so argument has been renamed.
  • box_settings made optional to DynaBox
  • Included an example of SOPS custom loader
  • settings.set is fixed so it now can set dotted attrs directly settings.FOO = 1
  • Fix a problem on object_merge to allow keys with same name
  • Added username and password to Redis
  • Lots of typos on docs

Dynaconf 3.1.0

Providing default or computed values

Validators can be used to provide default or computed values.

Default values

Validator("FOO", default="A default value for foo")

Then if not able to load the values from files or environment this default value will be set for that key.

Computed values

Sometimes you need some values to be computed by calling functions, just pass a callable to the default argument.

Validator("FOO", default=my_function)


def my_function(settings, validator):
    return "this is computed during validation time"

If you want it to be lazy evaluated

from dynaconf.utils.parse_conf import empty, Lazy

Validator("FOO", default=Lazy(empty, formatter=my_function))

Dynaconf 3.0.0

In Dynaconf 3.0.0 we introduced some improvements and with those improvements it comes some breaking changes.

Some of the changes were discussed on the 1st Dynaconf community meeting video is available and meeting notes #354.


  • Validators now implements | and & operators to allow Validator() &| Validator() and has more operations available such as len_eq, len_min, len_max, startswith #353.
  • First level variables are now allowed to be lowercase it is now possible to access or settings.FOO #357.
  • All Dependencies are now vendored, so when installing Dynaconf is not needed to install any dependency.
  • Dynaconf configuration options are now aliased so when creating an instance of LazySettings|FlaskDynaconf|DjangoDynaconf it is now possible to pass instead of ENVVAR_PREFIX_FOR_DYNACONF just envvar_prefix and this lowercase alias is now accepted.
  • Fixed bugs in merge and deprecated the @reset token.
  • Added implementation for __dir__ to allow auto complete for terminal and IDEs.
  • Add option to override mount point for vault server.
  • LazySettings is now aliased to Dynaconf
  • Dynaconf class now accepts a parameter validators=[Validator, ...] that will be immediately evaluated when passed.

Breaking Changes

NOTE 1 from dynaconf import settings will keep working until version 4.0.x to allow users to migrate gradually without having breaking changes but it will raise some DeprecationWarnings.

NOTE 2 If you are using FLASK or DJANGO plugins there will be no breaking change on the framework settings, a.k.a your project will keep working fine!.

dynaconf.settings global settings instance is now deprecated.

Users are now supposed to create their own instance of settings instead of using the deprecated from dynaconf import settings.


from dynaconf import Dynaconf

settings = Dynaconf(**options)

and then in your program you do from project.config import settings instead of from dynaconf import settings.

The **options are any of the dynaconf config options


settings = Dynaconf(
    settings_file=["settings.toml", ".secrets.toml"],

With the above instance your settings will load data from those 2 .toml files and also environment variables prefixed with MYPROOJECT e.g: export MYPROJECT_FOO=1

Dynaconf is now envless by default.

Historically Dynaconf worked in a multi layered environments for loading data from files, so you were supposed to have a file like:

key = 'value'

key = 'value'

Now starting on 3.0.0 the environments are disabled by default, so the same file can be created as.

key = 'value'

And you can still have the environments but only if you explicit specify it when creating your instance.

To have the previous behavior supporting all environments from the first level of a file.

settings = Dynaconf(

or to strictly specify your environments.

settings = Dynaconf(
    environments=["default", "prodution", "testing", "xyz"],

Once it is defined all the other functionalities still works such as.

export ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=production

Automatic load of settings.* files are disabled by default.

Starting on 3.x Dynaconf will now only load files passed explicitly to settings_file option when creating the instance or specified as env var SETTINGS_FILE_FOR_DYNACONF.

When creating the settings instance the file paths or globs should be specified unless you want only env vars and external loaders to be loaded.

Single file

settings = Dynaconf(

Or multiple files.

settings = Dynaconf(
    settings_file=["settings.toml", "path/*.yaml"],

Dynaconf will respect the exact order informed by you on the settings_file parameter.

NOTE the parameters preload, includes and secret continues to work in the same way as before. NOTE the parameters preload, includes and secret continues to work in the same way as before.

Load of dotenv .env is now disabled by default.

Dynaconf will NO MORE automatically load the data from .env file and will do that only if load_dotenv=True is provided.

settings = Dynaconf(

BY default it keeps searching for files in the current PROJECT_ROOT named .env and the dotenv_path accepts a relative path such as .env or path/to/.env

DEBUG Logging is now completely removed

There is no more logging or debug messages being printed, so the variable DEBUG_LEVEL has no more effect.

Coming in 3.1.x

  • Support for Pydantic BaseSettings for Validators.
  • Support for replacement of toml parser on envvars loader.