settings instance¶
Every command (except the init) will require the Instance can be set using -i
parameter or export INSTANCE_FOR_DYNACONF
The dynaconf CLI¶
The $ dynaconf -i config.settings
cli provides some useful commands
IMPORTANT if you are using Flask Extension the env var
must be defined to use the CLI, and if using Django Extension theDJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
must be defined.
dynaconf --help¶
Usage: dynaconf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Dynaconf - Command Line Interface
--version Show dynaconf version
--docs Open documentation in browser
--banner Show awesome banner
-i, --instance TEXT Custom instance of LazySettings
--help Show this message and exit.
get Returns the raw value for a settings key.
init Inits a dynaconf project.
inspect Inspect the loading history of the given settings instance.
list Lists user defined settings or all (including internal configs).
validate Validates Dynaconf settings based on provided rules.
write Writes data to specific source.
dynaconf init¶
Use init to easily configure your application configuration, once dynaconf is installed go to the root directory of your application and run:
$ dynaconf init -v key=value -v foo=bar -s token=1234
The above command will create in the current directory
KEY = "value"
FOO = "bar"
also .secrets.toml
TOKEN = "1234"
as well as .gitignore
file ignoring the generated .secrets.toml
# Ignore dynaconf secret files
For sensitive data in production is recommended using Vault Server
Usage: dynaconf init [OPTIONS]
Inits a dynaconf project.
By default it creates a settings.toml and a
.secrets.toml for [default|development|staging|testing|production|global]
The format of the files can be changed passing --format=yaml|json|ini|py.
This command must run on the project's root folder or you must pass
The --env/-e is deprecated (kept for compatibility but unused)
-f, --format [ini|toml|yaml|json|py|env]
-p, --path TEXT defaults to current directory
-e, --env TEXT Sets the working env in `.env` file
-v, --vars TEXT extra values to write to settings file e.g:
`dynaconf init -v NAME=foo -v X=2
-s, --secrets TEXT secret key values to be written in .secrets
e.g: `dynaconf init -s TOKEN=kdslmflds
--wg / --no-wg
--django TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
Note that -i
cannot be used with init
as -i
must point to an existing instance of the settings.
Dynaconf inspect (tech preview)¶
NEW in 3.2.0
This feature is in tech preview the usage interface and output format is subject to change.
Inspect and dump data's loading history about a specific key or environment.
It is also available as a utility function.
Usage: dynaconf inspect [OPTIONS]
Inspect the loading history of the given settings instance.
Filters by key and environment, otherwise shows all.
-k, --key TEXT Filters result by key.
-e, --env TEXT Filters result by environment.
-f, --format [yaml|json|json-compact]
The output format.
-s, --old-first Invert history sorting to 'old-first'
-n, --limit INTEGER Limits how many history entries are shown.
-a, --all Show dynaconf internal settings?
--help Show this message and exit.
Sample usage:
>>> dynaconf -i app.settings inspect -k foo -f yaml -n 2
env_filter: 'foo'
key_filter: None
new_first: 'True'
history_limit: None
include_internal: 'False'
current: from_environ
- loader: yaml
identifier: file_a.yaml
env: default
merged: false
FOO: from_yaml
- loader: env_global
identifier: unique
env: global
merged: false
FOO: from_environ
BAR: environ_only
To save to a file, use regular stream redirect methods:
$ dynaconf -i app.settings inspect -k foo -f yaml > dump.yaml
Dynaconf get¶
Get raw value for a single key
Usage: dynaconf get [OPTIONS] KEY
Returns the raw value for a settings key.
If result is a dict, list or tuple it is printed as a valid json string.
-d, --default TEXT Default value if settings doesn't exist
-e, --env TEXT Filters the env to get the values
-u, --unparse Unparse data by adding markers such as @none, @int etc..
--help Show this message and exit.
export FOO=$(dynaconf get DATABASE_NAME -d 'default')
If the key doesn't exist and no default is provided it will exit with code 1.
dynaconf list¶
List all defined parameters and optionally export to a json file.
Usage: dynaconf list [OPTIONS]
Lists user defined settings or all (including internal configs).
By default, shows only user defined. If `--all` is passed it also shows
dynaconf internal variables aswell.
-e, --env TEXT Filters the env to get the values
-k, --key TEXT Filters a single key
-m, --more Pagination more|less style
-l, --loader TEXT a loader identifier to filter e.g: toml|yaml
-a, --all show dynaconf internal settings?
-o, --output FILE Filepath to write the listed values as json
--output-flat Output file is flat (do not include [env] name)
--help Show this message and exit.
Exporting current environment as a file¶
dynaconf list -o path/to/file.yaml
The above command will export all the items showed by dynaconf list
to the desired format which is inferred by the -o
file extension, supported formats yaml, toml, ini, json, py
When using py
you may want a flat output (without being nested inside the env key)
dynaconf list -o path/to/ --output-flat
dynaconf write¶
Usage: dynaconf write [OPTIONS] [ini|toml|yaml|json|py|redis|vault|env]
Writes data to specific source
-v, --vars TEXT key values to be written e.g: `dynaconf write toml -e
NAME=foo -e X=2
-s, --secrets TEXT secret key values to be written in .secrets e.g:
`dynaconf write toml -s TOKEN=kdslmflds -s X=2
-p, --path TEXT defaults to current directory/settings.{ext}
-e, --env TEXT env to write to defaults to DEVELOPMENT for files for
external sources like Redis and Vault it will be
--help Show this message and exit.
dynaconf validate¶
NEW in 1.0.1
Starting on version 1.0.1 it is possible to define validators in TOML file called dynaconf_validators.toml placed in the same folder as your settings files.
equivalent to program above
version = {must_exist=true}
name = {must_exist=true}
password = {must_exist=false}
must_exist = true
lte = 30
gte = 10
project = {eq="hello_world"}
Then to fire the validation use:
$ dynaconf -i config.settings validate
If validates it returns status 0 (success) and this command can be called in your CI/CD/Deploy jobs.
dynaconf --version¶
returns dynaconf version
$ dynaconf -i config.settings --version
dynaconf --docs¶
Opens Dynaconf documentation in browser
dynaconf --banner¶
Prints this awesome ascii made banner in the console :)
$ dynaconf -i config.settings --banner
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